The Associação para a Promoção Cultural da Criança (Association for the Cultural Promotion of Children) is a national, non-governmental, non-profit Portuguese organization which develops leisure activities of a socio-cultural and educational nature for youths and children.

The activities of this Association are grounded on the guiding principles of solidarity, equality, cooperation, defence of the environment and experience acquired for 40 years, during which priority has always been placed upon combining education and leisure.
We set out to contribute to the global development of children in their various dimensions, promoting their sense of justice, responsibility and respect for difference, and motivating them towards a more active and constructive approach to society from an inter-cultural perspective.
We are currently working in a number of areas, namely holiday camps, programmes for schools and institutions, youth exchange programmes, basic and complementary training for youth leaders, cooperation projects with countries of Portuguese expression, exhibitions, seminars, the publication of books and development of educational games. Such activities rely on the regular support of the Secretary of State for Sport and Youth – Portuguese Sport and Youth – and on other public and private entities.
The APCC was declared an Institution of Public Utility by order of the Prime Minister published in the DR II série (Official Gazette, Series II), no. 216, of 17th September 1988.
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An Educational Project
We set out to create spaces for leisure with pedagogical aims where children and youths may freely develop their personal […]